Hey everyone! GFC will be discontinued soon for Wordpress Blogs, so be sure to follow with LinkyFollowers instead! I don't want to lose any of you! Thanks!! :D

Welcome! I'm so excited to have you here...

Welcome! I'm so excited to have you here at my blog! I have been a blog lurker for a LONG time now and I even had my own for awhile, but between having kids, buying a house, going to school and everything else, I just couldn't keep up with the demands I had set for myself. Things have calmed down a little more now and I just had a craft closet redo (I'll show ya' some pictures) and I feel very refreshed and ready to jump back in to the blogosphere.

It's amazing how redoing your craft space can have such an effect on you. I can see everything now and the labeled boxes with everything right in a row puts an instant smile on my face and a flutter in my heart. I love it. I really, really love it. When I come downstairs in the morning, I open the closet, pull back the door as far as it will go and just marvel at how much I love it. Then, I leave the door open whenever my kids are eating a meal or sleeping, that way every time I walk by, I can catch a glimpse. My craft closet is in the hallway of our very small condo, so it's sort of visible at all times. Oh wait, I guess it's called a "hall closet." We've never used it for that purpose so I guess I forgot.

Okay, now on to the other things in this world that make my heart flutter. I have an absolutely incredible husband who puts up with all the ideas I have for projects and whose really good at the "wowed audience" bit. You know?! It goes something like this-

Him - "Honey, I'm home."
Me - "Hi! How was your day?"
Him - "It was fi-"
Me - "Okay, wait! First look at this super cool thing I just made! Isn't it fabulous? I made this all by myself! What do you think?"
(Now, this is where he really shines.)
Him - "Really? You made this? This is awesome! How did you do this part right here?"
Me - "Thanks! I'm glad you asked! Let me tell you in great detail how I did that! Ready?"

He is always impressed with whatever I show him and it makes me happy that he cares so much to really make an effort to be interested in something I've shown him, even after he's been at work for 14 hours.

Okay, I also have 2 other heart flutterers.

Logan (3 years old)

Logan makes me laugh about 90% of the day and want to stick cotton balls in my ears the other 10%. He is a nonstop talker and when I say nonstop, I mean it. ALL DAY long, he's talking. Whether it's to me, his sister, or himself. Most of what comes out of his mouth is hysterical, though. He's also very sweet and such a good mommy's helper. He will do a whole string of favors for me and be such a good sport about it. Oh, his facial expressions are to die for. I think he gets that from me. My family concurs. :/

Emma (almost 1 year old)

This is my baby. She loves to be cuddled and is the easiest baby you'll ever come across. She just goes with the flow and rarely has any complaints. She says "hi" and "Dada" which is so cool to hear. She also waves and just started clapping. The person who can get her to laugh instantaneously is her big brother. She loves him a ton and they are a blast to watch while they're sitting in the back seat together.

These two definitely keep me on my toes and they're never far behind me. Meaning, they sort of follow me around the house. I don't know how this happened, but they remind me of a golden retriever we had when I was a kid.

Also, to be mentioned is my mom. She's my best friend and I have her all to myself as I don't have any brothers or sisters. ;) You can check out her blog here. She is a very talented lady and the reason I love to craft is because of her. Ever since I can remember, she has been crafting and she's very good at what she does.

Well, that's me and my life in a nutshell. I hope to make great friends in my blogging endeavors and to get to know all of you. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi Courtney, I love your blog! I'm a friend and fellow DT member with your nutty mom...but would we really have her any other way?! ;o)

  2. Hi! Thank you so much! Yeah, I definitely wouldn't want her any other way! LOL! I'm so glad you visited! :D


Thanks so much for the comment! I, seriously, love and treasure each one!

